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New exhibitions in Aachen: Route Charlemagne

Recently three outstanding exhibitions were opened on the ocasion of the 1200th year of death of Charlemagne. inSynergie installed various multimedia exhibits.

The „Centre Charlemagne“ is located at the Katschhof, the former courtyard of the palace between cathedral and town hall. A museum exhibition displays the history of the king Charlemagne and the development of his city. The Centre is as well the starting point for exploring the other stations of the "Route Charlemagne". The exhibition ammends historical and artistical exhibits with multimedia installations. Changing exhibitions extend and complete the range of topics.

Next to the Centre in the town hall of Aachen hosts the temporal exhibition "Orte der Macht" (places of power). In the coronation room visitors can explore and experience the courtly life as well as learn about the travelling king and military leader Charlemagne. The exhibition shows archaeologic and art-historical evidences to give an impression of the material foundations for his reign and his idols that motivated him to rise in Aachen a place of power.