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References 2023
Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Berlin. Exhibition „Konrad Adenauer. First Federal Chancellor “ – Berlin, 2024
The multimedia exhibition focusses on the new democratic beginning of West Germany, which Konrad Adenauer played a key role in shaping - as the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963.
Over 400 square metres of interactive media stations and fascinating objects bring Adenauer and the significance of his policies to life.
In an elaborate 360-degree projection, you travel through Berlin with Konrad Adenauer, Willy Brandt and John F. Kennedy. You will experience the cheers of the people during the legendary visit of the US President in 1963.
inSynergie was responsible for the specialised planning, media technology and media control, as well as content production and software development.
Architects and exhibition planning:: res d
End customer: Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus
Climate Experience World – Oerlinghausen, 2024
The newly created ‘Climate Experience World’ in Oerlinghausen aims to address the pressing issues of adapting to the consequences of climate change. The project allows visitors to experience climate change at first hand and presents strategies for responding to it.
The Climate Experience World appeals to all the senses thanks to its innovative concept: Digital projections are used to illustrate the history of climate change from the last ice age to the present day. Heat, cold, drought and flooding are simulated - weather phenomena that will become increasingly frequent as climate change progresses. The rooms are equipped with multi-vision walls that provide fascinating images and tangible experiences. Interactive media are used to illustrate the topic of climate change without pointing the finger. The focus is not on imparting knowledge, but on the visitors themselves being part of the action by playing through various scenarios and designing solutions using simulations.
inSynergie realised both hardware and software and connects all components through the NeuroomNet media control system.
Exhibition planners: BOK+ Gärtner
End customers: Kreis Lippe