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iSGPIO is a slot card for media control and provides a multitude of different pins for input and output of signals. The interface is integrated into the media control or an arbitrary PC and thus enables the input and ouput of signals via a 37-terminal Sub-D socket. The included software allows for the administration of single GPIO interfaces and forms the gateway to the iSMaster.
Additionally to the digital inputs and outputs and the infrared gateway the GPIO board provides a „watchdog“ function which supervises PC functions and software. Furthermore, it comes with a calendar storage with integrated battery-buffered clock to automate the switch-on and -off actions.
IS-CC-GPIO 01.pdfProduct sheet
isgpio hw manual en 01.pdfHardware documentation
iS-CC-GPIO 01.txtBidding text
FTDI Win7 32 64.zipUSB Driver
Internal slot card with watchdog and calendar functions
- 4 optically isolated digital inputs
- 4 relay changers 48V / 60W
- 4 unidirectional RS-232
- 8 analog outputs 0-10V
- 8 analog inputs 0-10V
- 8 IR transmitters
- 1 IR receiver
- Connector for a 4 x 4 matrix keypad
- Connection over internal USB interface
- Net weight: approx. 100 g